80 I Want to Do Capoeira For The Rest of My Life. Ft. Colorida

Hey… Let’s share your Capoeira Experience!… I want to learn from you, I want to learn from your Capoeira Experience!… Yes, it does not matter how long you have been doing Capoeira, contact me and let’s share with the community!

For the last year and 4 months, Colorida has been very consistent, no matter what are the conditions, but she is always in class, either zoom or in person, winter storm or broken bone. A few months after she started the pandemic hit us, shutting down our in-person classes, then broke a bone. Even though, Coloridas was always there, showing us commitment and no letting any excuses stop her.!!… Listen more to her Capoeira Experience on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, and any Podcast Platform. Now playing in Audible. [LINK IN BIO]

Teaching classes always give me a sense of fulfillment. I teach Capoeira because I love with all my heart watching the progress of the craft, and love to see those smiles of satisfaction when students understand and get to do movements.










79 We Don’t Own Our Students and Spirituality in Capoeira

Hey… Let’s share your Capoeira Experience!… I want to learn from you, I want to learn from your Capoeira Experience!… Yes, it does not matter how long you have been doing Capoeira, contact me and let’s share with the community!

Now back to this episode, lol.

During all these years in Capoeira, I have seen -and if you have been around long enough, I am sure you have too, a lot of people, either, switching groups (like myself), switching supervision (like myself), or quitting Capoeira (not like myself lol)… But all this is for a reason, sometimes we just lose our north, or sometimes we lose motivation, or sometimes… We just don’t feel quite there, ya know?!

But once we find what where we want to go, and what we need to do (and sacrifice) to get where we want to be, we can find that group, or person that can guide us, or mentor us.

SPIRITUALITY: just a heads up here, when I talk about this subject, I am not referring to a religion, nor god(s). I am referring to a internal and deep connection within yourself. We all are spiritual being that are in this borrowed body for a limited time. As I have done myself, we can make that connection with that internal spirit with Capoeira, specifically with Capoeira music.

BONUS: I will bringing to the podcast, an guess that will have a lot of Capoeira knowledge about History, Ritual in Capoeira, and Music… Listen to this episode, and DM me any questions that you might have for this guest, either here or my personal IG: @harly_m

PEACE!! peace










78 Batizado Is Over, Now What?

I have helped in many many batizados during all these years, I have worked behind the scenes many many times, and every time we were done with every event, I always ask myself: Batizado is over, now what?

Have you?

In this episode I share my thoughts of what we are going to be planning after our Batizado last week, “The Capoeira Experience Festival”… If you missed it, make sure you join us next year so we can have a lot of fun together. I also vlog the Batizado BTS (behind the scenes) where I have documented what we did before the event and how we got it ready, what it on the YoutTube channel.

Start planning for 2022 “The Capoeira Experience Festival”
Training harder
Specific training – watch your own videos
Complementary training – gym, home workout
Music training – instruments
& Travels










77 How to Get Ready for A Capoeira Event

With many Capoeira events around us (pre and post-pandemic, we should plan ahead and be ready to travel for all the events we want to commit to going. Make sure to be one of the first to register for any event!!

Tell me how do you get ready?

There are basically 3 questions I ask myself before traveling: 1: where am I going?, 2: how far the event is, and 3: how can I get ready?.

Right now I am going to explain basically question #3: what do I need to bring with me?… Listen to this episode and find out how I get ready to travel either by car o by flying. You might ask what are the differences, well, again listen to the episode and let me tell you about it.










76 Is This How You Feel About Capoeira Too?!

Capoeira has been a great tool of transformation to many of us, including myself, so I am going to use myself as living proof. Capoeira helped me to understand and relearn many aspects of my life, including:

Value people
Be myself
Understand myself
Be outgoing
Make new friends (A LOT OF FRIENDS!!!!!)

What has Capoeira done for you?

Check this episode out and give me your thoughts!










75 Loving Capoeira Music. Ft. Tosquia, Kadara Capoeira Toronto

Thanks for listing a supporting this podcast. This Podcast is made to connect our Capoeira community and to learn from other Capoeiristas Experiences! I’m always looking to listen to your experience, let’s get together, and let’s share your Capoeira Experience!

Capoeira Music is as big as any Capoeira movement, we can be great at moving our body, but we should not lack music practice, that includes all the instruments, Berimbau(s), Pandeiro, Atabaque, Agogo, and Recoreco! If you practice 5, 10, 15, or even 20 minutes per day, you will see HUGE progress here to 6 months or 1 year, but you have to put the work on!!

In this episode, I had the big pleasure to interview my good brother all the way from Kadara Capoeira Toronto (@kadara_capoeira_toronto ) Tosquia ( @jay_libs ), where we talked about the importance of learning and practicing Capoeira music from the very beginning and some tips and tricks that we have applied ourselves to learn this skill!










74 Movement Philosophy. Ft. Mafioso – Pavlos Addimando @capoeiradaily

Where do you want to improve? Music? Instruments? Movement? Let me know below!!… Moving is so important to the Capoeirista, keeping our Capoeira fitness (look up the meaning of fitness), is so important for us as we advance in Capoeira, training, moving, mobility, flexibility and so on will help us improve our Capoeira.

Keeping our bodies capable of moving the way we want them to move requires patience, during the technology era, we are used to getting every NOW!! But it comes to any practice, it will never come now, even the most talented people have to put the work on the areas the want to improve.

In this episode I had the awesome pleasure to talk to Mafioso – Pavlos Addimando @capoeiradaily where we had an awesome conversation about the way we move, the way we think and the way we can improve! Check it out and let me know what do you think!!

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Host: @harly_m

73 Berimbau Etiquette. Ft. Prof. Congo, Prof. Soquete and Inst. Sua

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

Learning Berimbau is key to have a wider understanding of Capoeira, however, once you learn HOW TO PLAY the basic Capoeira rhythms, play them on many rodas, and after A LOT of practice, it is time for you to understand how and when to play those rhythms. Do you know what role plays the Gunga, Medio, or Viola? Do you know when to play Angola or Sao Bento Pequeno, and which Berimbau plays what?… In fact, all this depends on HOW YOUR GROUP plays the Capoeira rhythms, and that is why I had the awesome pleasure of having my 3 really good friends, Prof. Congo, Prof. Soquete, and Inst. Sua to talk about how they learned the “Berimbau Etiquette”.

Take a listen to this episode, because this is a topic with very little information out there for the Capoeira community to see and understand. [LINK IN BIO].

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

72 How I Learn and Teach Berimbau

Capoeira Rhythms are composed of 3 basic sounds (at least the basic rhythms). This is how I break it down, use them if it is very useful to you, or share it with someone that is learning how to play Berimbau… By the way, to practice Berimbau rhythms you don’t need a Berimbau, it will help if you have one, but honestly, it is not 100% necessary!! (THIS IS HOW I LEARNED), however, talk to your Capoeira School leader to find one for you!

These 3 sounds are:

Xiado: with the rock very softly pressed against the wire
Don: rock/dobrado doesn’t touch the wire
Din: press the rock/dobrado hard against the wire

now that you have and recognize these 3, you are going to practice these sounds with your mouth first (I know, I know you are gonna feel silly, so what)

for example:

“Xiado” you are going to do the sound: xi xi xi xi xi
“Don”: don don don don
“Din”: din din din din

Practice this EVERY SINGLE TIME before you do it on the Berimbau!!

Practice those sounds every day with your mouth so you can recognize these sounds. If at some point you listen to capoeira music anywhere, pay attention to the Berimbau and try to copy/follow the sounds I just gave you with your mouth!! (JUST DO IT)

Rhythm practice:

Now we put them together in a specific pattern to do the first rhythm, “Angola”
makes this sound with your mouth – warning: don’t be shy to do so!

The are 2 xiados, 1 don, 1 din:

Angola Rhythm: xi xi – don – din – pause

Repeats over and over!

São Bento Pequeno

The are 2 xiados, 1 din, 1 don

It sounds like: xi xi – din – don – pause

It repeats over and over too

Practice these 2 with your mouth and with the berimbau so you can get into the more complex ones

São Bento Grande de Bimba

This one is a little more complex but it is pretty easy once you get it

I’m going to break it in 2 parts for you

The first part is:
1st: xi xi – don – xi xi – din

2nd: xi xi – don – don – din

It repeats over and over too

São Bento Grande de Angola

This one is a little easier and fun as well

It sounds like: xi xi – din – don – don

It repeats over and over too

All these sounds are very easy to practice, you just gotta commit and keep practicing with your mouth but especially with the berimbau and ask your teacher to help you practice some music and I am sure you are going to be able to play berimbau in a few months if you really really practice this tips and tricks.

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

71 Two Decades After

I decided to make a short version of the beginning of my Capoeira journey. This is a short story of my 20th years (in less than a month) in Capoeira.

Would you name one single thing that Capoeira has done for you?

Today I look back, I can see how much Capoeira has changed my life for great, and it makes me happy every time I look back. I also have made so many friends, can’t even put a number on them because they are so so so many, in Venezuela, Brazil, the USA, Canada, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, and many other countries in Europe, and I cannot wait to meet more people.

I get the opportunity to travel all over the world just because Capoeira!

Which country or city are you visiting next?

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

70 How I Am Taking Care Of My Students

Top 3 ways I take care of my students

3 – Form: Their form can prevent or create injuries.
2 – Organized: The order we teach them the basics.
1 – I stay informed: I study and keep fresh information. 

I would not definitely teach something to my students something that I do not know, or something I have no idea what I am talking about for many reasons:

1: Misinformation can lead to not desired results, and also making the person stop coming to class.

2: It will not build credibility in my information.

3: It will create misinformation across the board, and if that person practices the wrong information the wrong way can cause that wrong information to pass along to other people and so on.

69 Second Podcast Anniversary and New Year 2021

Happy New Year beautiful Capoeira Community!!! Today is the last day of the year. 2020, what can we say about this year, crazy stuff in many aspects happened around the world, including Capoeira, many changes, many adaptations, but the most important, we learn and adapt a lot while we saw where we can improve, there is always room for improvements.

I want to say thank you so much to all Capoeiristas that joined the show this year, to share their Capoeira experiences and a huge thank you to all the listeners I hope you are getting all the value possible from this podcast made for you!

I am very happy to be part of this 2 years journey of this beautiful project, I cannot wait to meet new faces, make new friends and of course to travel AGAIN!!!…

A call to all the Capoeira community: we have to stay together, we have to grow together, Capoeira is not a competitive ground of how is better than who, Capoeira is not a ground of which is school is better that which school. Capoeira is for all of us, Capoeira was made by our ancestor to bring us together, to enjoy each other in a very spiritual way, to connect us beyond eye vision, to connect us mentally, spiritually, and connect our energy. Let’s support each other, without looking Capoeira style, without looking Capoeira group, without looking Capoeira skills, and respecting each other way to be, let’s travel and play Capoeira with people just because we CAN!! Because we have each other!! The world is already dark, let’s not be the first in line trowing that darkness to each other!!

We are Capoeira Community, let’s actually show what that means!!

Happy 2021 to all of you out there, I am personally sending you positive vibe!


Inst. Caxixi

Host and Creator of The Capoeira Experience Podcast.

and Instructor at Capoeira Brasil Indianapolis.

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

68 Learning Capoeira History Through Podcast. Ft. Desconfiado – Mandinga, Santa Clara – CA

We all are about to close the year 2020, a very crazy year for the entire world, including us in the Capoeira Community! Let’s rock 2021 and let’s get into the new year with more desire to learn, more desire to grow our day to day skills, and our Capoeira skills in all aspects.

Listen the Podcast “Singing for Survival: Capoeira History” here

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis

67 Ego in Capoeiristas. Ft. Mestre Cabecao – CDO Miami

Hey Capoeira Nation! Who wants to be part of the podcast?… I am looking for 2 Capoeiristas to share your experience with the community! Join me and let’s have fun!

Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Click or tap the handle to follow me

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis