23 Taking care of our body – Ft. Sem Parar – Axe Capoeira Chicago

what’s up capoeira nation, welcome back to the capoeira experience podcast, where all of us get our Capoeira community closer and stronger, thank you so much for the support and listing to all the episodes.

today we are going to continue the capoeira female series and we are going to talk about taking care of our body and how it can help our capoeira, for this I will have the help or a female capoeirista, she started back in 2016 and since then she saw that capoeira was something beyond just an activity so today my guest is Semparar from Axe Capoeira Chicago!

Caxixi: how are you doing?

Sem Parar: good thank you, how about you?

Caxixi: pretty good, excited… finally we made it work

Sem Parar: I know, it took a while

Caxixi: I remember you told me that you are personal trainer, when did you start the personal training stuff?

Sem Parar: I officially being a person trainer for about a year, but I’ve been working in the industry for the last probably 3 years since the first time I started training capoeira

Caxixi: oh cool cool are you officially full time as a personal trainer

Sem Parar: I was till recently I’m a fitness director in the operations manager of a gym I do training and I teach classes as well

Caxixi: oh man that’s awesome, so you are full full time into the fitness pretty much

Caxixi: you started capoeira in 2016 right? now tell us a little bit more about your story and how your started till now and you can start however you want

Sem Parar: ok yeah!… So I just moved to Vancouver, dc, and I was looking for whatever ways to connect with the community there and do things that were around my life style so I was looking for just different classes that I can take and you know all different  kind of movements so dance and parkour all different things and it happened that I moved just down the street from axe academy there and my roommate was going so I ended up going to a beginners course kind of like you know didn’t think too much of it did know too much going into it and yeah the next thing I know I’m here it becomes my lifestyle and hopefully will continue to be for as long as I can see to the future

Caxixi: what are your social medias, how people can find you and all the stuff

Sem Parar: I have the instagram: @axe_semparar

Check the website here https://taylorpearon.com/

Facebook: Taylor Pearonhttps://www.facebook.com/taylorpearon

Caxixi: how do you think from your own perspective how important is taking care of our body?

Sem Parar: yeah I mean I think capoeira is so unique because you are doing it as a lifestyle is so high impact that it demands so much of you right more than anything else because is not like a team sport that we have a game and we are practicing for a specific time I mean is the roda but is like a continues level of training that is required…

Caxixi: what do you think how or what is your perspective about that since you have been stepping on both, fitness and capoeira?

Sem Parar: right, yeah I mean I’m still within that window in both right only within the last three years for me so there’s a lot that I haven’t seen because I haven’t been able to seen over all in that time but I do see that women and you know as a trainer I work primarily with women so that have been very interesting I haven’t be exclusive but that has been who have saw me out…

Caxixi: how do you think women can step up more in capoeira?

Sem Parar: in capoeira I think again it all comes back to the individual capoeira I think one of the great thing is that give confidence in so many people children and adult right and for men and women an I think I using that continuing part of it that capoeira gives you the confidence but also you have to create that for yourself right I was just speaking to a friend that is so much about internet motivation like yes we learn from each other, yes we have our teachers that give us so much but you have to be motivated to make it happened

Caxixi:  what would you think is your advice for the female that is listing to this this podcast?

Sem Parar: my advice is to play in the rodas as much as you can, you can use that as a metaphor right, in life in capoeira in all the contexts I think just push yourself to do thing that you are scared to do but want to do, I always think on things that scared you and excited you at the same time are usually the best things to do…

Caxixi: what are your social media again?

Sem Parar: I have the instagram: @axe_semparar

Check the website here https://taylorpearon.com/

Facebook: Taylor Pearon https://www.facebook.com/taylorpearon

Thank you so much!