24 Graduada Baqueta – Capoeira Ache Brasil, Calgary, Canada

What up Capoeira nation welcome back to the capoeira experience podcast. Today we will continue the female series, on this opportunity I have the pleasure to interview a female Capoeirista that started capoeira back in 2004 after seen capoeira for the very first time and falling in love with this awesome are since then, let me introduce you to Graduada Baqueta from Capoeira Ache Brasil, Calgary.

Instagram: @designbystlight

Get Graduada Baqueta art: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesignbyStreetlight

22 Capoeira and Body Wellness. Ft. Canarinha – Capoeira Brasil Indianapolis

What’s up capoeira nation, welcome back to the capoeira experience podcast where you learn the whys for your capoeira community why people do what they do in capoeira and the reasons behind and objective and everything about our capoeira community you can learn anything. I have an episode where I taught how I usually teach how to learn berimbau check that out and today I have this beautiful guest this’s my wife Canarinha.

Canarinha: hello hello

Caxixi: so, I had her on episode 12 go check it out you can go a little bit deeper into her capoeira story

Canarinha: who am I

Caxixi: Canarinha!

Canarinha: Canarinha!

Caxixi: so, today’s episode I want to talk, or we want to talk about the capoeira and the body wellness, so how important is fitness or taking care of your body. but before we start please telling your social media:


Instagram: @thefitnessalchemista


Facebook: Jessica Lynn Materan

18 Profra. Saehee, Capoeira Batuque, LA

What’s up capoeira nation! welcome back to the Capoeira Experience podcast, I’m your host Inst. Caxixi. before we get started I just want to say thanks again to all the capoeira community that keeps supporting my work by sharing the podcast, I still want to interview a lot more people and I hope you can join me one day and share your capoeira experience so make sure you watch the interviews on YouTube and you can see how fun they are!!!

So on today’s episode I have a the pleasure to interview another female capoeirista with an awesome voice, she started capoeira in 2004 in California, her first class was fun and full of energy with really good capoeiristas, her first classes was with the wonderful M. Amen and CM Girafa and fall in love with capoeira since then specially with the Capoeira music, so she join her group since then! I want to introduce you to Professora Saehee from Capoeira Batuque Los Angeles, California!

Caxixi: Hey How Are you doing?

Saehee: HI, wow thank you for that great introduction

Caxixi: Of course! of course! I love our capoeira community so everyone has an especial spot in the podcast, thank you for being here with us

Saehee: Of course, thank you for interviewing me, this is awesome

Caxixi: yeah absolutely 

Caxixi: so, before we jump to everything, what are your social medias and how people can find you?

Saehee: my Instagram is “@mustlymouve” people try to tell me to change that name to make it something capoeira related I haven’t done it yet so I’m no super super super into social media but can find me on Instagram or you can also find me on Facebook.

Facebook Here

Instagram Here

Caxixi: tell us a little bit about yourself, who is professora Saehee? and who are you in the capoeira community.

Saehee: in the capoeira community… well as you were telling me as you were  saying in the introduction I started capoeira sometime in 2004 just randomly me and my friend went to take a class and it was with capoeira Batuque and it was taught by Contra Mestre Girafa at the time he was a professor and our Mestre Mestre amen was trying to promote his class and he was visiting prof. Girafa’s class it was this awesome class and ever since then I’ve been training on and off it was a time where it was 2 years period that I took a break capoeira has definitely being you know something that I had to own up to something that gave me a platform just to carry on my life so it is just like another capoeirista would say amazing and a huge part of my life that practice that allows me to express a lot of my passions

Caxixi: is that name or nickname?

Saehee: Saehee is my real name is the name that was given to me by my parents I don’t really have a nickname is kind of an ongoing thing with my Mestre I’ve gotten a lot of different nicknames from different people but none have really stock so I’m kind of a brat on that way I just choose not to use any other name that I got

Caxixi: what is one thing that you say that capoeira helped in your life in your entire life?

Saehee: I think, I mean one thing I would say it give me like I said kind of like a platform to see myself to go through the ups and downs there either ups and downs in life but I could not think of ups and downs not as much as down being a bad time and up being like good time is more like you practice something and you master it, you practice something and you fall, you fall and the you get up, you know that constant up and down and I think not just the game of capoeira just me as a capoeirista is always kind of like up and down emotion I have to be okay with that sometimes 

Caxixi: how do you think capoeira can help a person?

Saehee: I think capoeira can help you just kind of go with it and be in the moment you know that’s kind of like a metaphor for life but we have this amazing art form that you practice some moves and sometimes we are afraid to sing a song or I don’t know afraid to do moves that we have master yet but it just allows to kid of trust your practice and go for it allows you to not seek perfection so much and just maybe seek the greatness of being in the moment

Caxixi: why do you think is important for capoeira community or capoeira people to learn the music and learn instruments?

Saehee: to put it very simply I don’t think that you can fully say that you do capoeira unless you can connect with the music I mean it might sound I little bit harsh maybe but I mean to me is true if I’m having a bad day and I can’t play really well I just go and can to the roda and play interments and I can feel connected I mean so much is passed on not just the songs itself like the lyrics there’s a lot of history, there’s a lot of stories been told and capoeira comes from an oral tradition you know

Caxixi: would you sign a song for us?

Saehee: *singing “Beira mar”*

Caxixi: capoeira events coming soon?

Saehee: capoeira Batuque will have a batizado this year is our 30th yeah 30 years of being in Los Angeles and we normally will have like a Zumbi day sometime in the winter which concede with zumbi’s day

Batuque Batizado Here

Caxixi: tell me again your social medias


Facebook Here

Instagram Here

Hey, thank you so much for your time and sharing your experience!!!

17 Inst. Caxixi – Tips and Trick to Learn Berimbau

Whatsp up capoeira nation! welcome back to the capoeira experience podcast where you will learn more about capoeira, how to keep your motivation and much more information.

Make sure you follow our social medias, we are everywhere!

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On today’s episode I would like to teach you some tips and trick to learn berimbau, if you apply these tricks to your daily routine you can learn to play berimbau in a very fast time and you won’t need the berimbau every single time to practice, but I still recommend you to have your own berimbau so talk to your instructor or professor if they have berimbaus in the academy that they can sell to you and you can support your school by doing that.

Listen, berimbau is a basic skill if you want to get into high ranks in your school also learning berimbau is really cool for many reasons, you can help to play in the roda, demonstrations, or any time a berimbau is needed – so all the time right? by learning berimbau you also are going to help a lot your instructor or professor, for example when you learn berimbau and you play it, you are allowing your teacher to play in the roda and that helps a lot and makes us happy so we can get to play with all of you, so put your hands on it, learn berimbau and show off your skills after this!

Alright, so this is the way I learned berimbau 18 years ago and after I practiced this way for a few months I was able to play berimbau in the roda, I wasn’t able to sign in the roda but I was able to play, and singing and play instruments come with a lot of practice so I encourage you to do so after you learn berimbau, so this is how I usually teach berimbau and it works for a lot of people they learn pretty quick, so after this it will be up to you put this in practice so be accountable for it.

Before, we gotta learn the part of the berimbau, the berimbau consist of 6 parts and the names on Portuguese of these 6 parts are: Verga (which is the body of the berimabu), Arame (which is the wire), Cabaca (which is the gourd), Baqueta (which is the stick to play it), dobrado or pedra (which is that big metal coin or the stone or rock) and of course a caxixi (which is the shaker).

That been said, there are a few basic berimbau rhythms that you can learn and they can help you to get set up to learn the rest.

  • we have Angola
  • we have sao bento pequeno
  • we have sao bento grande de bimba
  • we sao bento grande de angola
  • and we have one a little more complex one called Iuna

All those rhythms are composed by only 3 kinds of sounds, but each of them is on a different pattern.

These 3 sounds are:

The xiado (is with the rock very softly pressed against the wire): xixi
the don (rock won’t touch the wire): dondon
and the din (press hard against the wire): dindin

Now that you have and recognize these 3, you are going to practice these sounds with your mouth:

For example:

Xiado you are going to do: xixixixixi
don: don don don don
din: din din din din


practice those sounds every day with your mouth so you can recognize these sounds. if at some point you listen to capoeira music anywhere, pay attention to the berimbau sounds and try to copy them with this sounds I just gave you.

Rhythm practice:

Now we put them together to do the first rhythm, “Angola”
makes this sound with your mouth – warning: don’t be shy to do so

The are 2 xiados, 1 don, 1 din

Sounds like this: xixi – xixi – don – din

It repeats over and over

Sao bento pequeno

Now this one is just backwards as angola

The are 2 xiados, 1 din, 1 don

It sounds like: xixi – xixi – din – don

It repeats over and over too

Practice these 2 with your mouth and with the berimbau so you can get into the more complex ones

Sao bento grande de bimba

This one is a little more complex but it is pretty easy once you get it

I’m going to break it in 2 parts for you

The first part is:

First part sounds like: xixi – xixi – don – xixi – xixi – din

Second part sounds like: xixi – xixi – don – don – din

It repeats over and over too

Sao bento grande de angola

This one is a little easier and fun as well

I’m going to break it in 2 parts as well for you

The first part is going to be:
xixi – xixi – din – don – don

It repeats over and over too

All these sounds are very easy to practice, you just gotta comment and keep practicing with your mouth but especially with the berimbau and ask your teacher to help you practice some music and I am sure you are going to be able to play berimbau in a few months if you really really practice this tips and tricks.

Thank you listing!

16 Inst. Gigante Capoeira Collective Calgary Canada

what’s up Capoeira Nation, welcome back to the Capoeira Experience Podcast where you are going to learn more about our Capoeira community and where you can express your experience, Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to me and it helps me to stay motivated to keep doing this!

Alright, so on today’s episode I got the pleasure to interview a Capoeirista from Canada, he is doing capoeira since 2006 and he teaches in Calgary, Canada, I want to introduce you Inst. Gigante!

[00:42:05] Caxixi: how are you doing man?

Gigante: good man, how are you? thanks for having me

Caxixi: yeah yeah of course, capoeira, that’s what I love about our capoeira community it brings people together, even if we don’t know each other we still can come together

Gigante: yeah, a 100%

[00:00:56] Caxixi: What are your social medias, how people can find you?

Gigante: yeah you can reach me @giganteyyc” follow here https://www.instagram.com/giganteyyc/?hl=en

Our group Instagram is @calgarycapoeira follow here https://www.instagram.com/calgarycapoeira/?hl=en

Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/calgarycapoeira/

so, you can find us in Facebook and Instagram so you should check it out

[00:01:15] Caxixi: tell me your story, how did you start in capoeira, and you can start however you want

Gigante: alright, well like you said it, I started in 2006 and that’s when I started training kind of regular and full on but before that, I think one of the first time I was exposed to capoeira, I think I always knew about capoeira was that kind of breakdance fighting, everyone seems to know it like before they actually they do capoeira so I kind of always knew about it but I didn’t really over see it or kind of encounter it till one day I was in the university in another town and I came to Calgary to visit and we went to a bar and it was a night club and on the dance floor was crowded and then they announced it and the DJ goes “hey everyone clear the floor, clear the floor we have a performance coming out” and I was like “oh what is going on?” everyone is backed up they kind of push people at side to clear the a big area and then these break-dancers came out and then they do a routing and is super cool and everyone is like “yeah this is cool” and they go back and on the side somebody comes ding backhands spring, back hand spring flipped, crowd goes crazy and then soddenly everyone starts doing capoeira, and it was super cool like I said I knew what is was right away “that’s capoeira, that’s that thing “and you know I couldn’t tell you if I saw here or there.

[00:11:24] Caxixi: why Gigante?

Gigante: so yeah instructor sap looked at me and he say “I think I have a name for you” I was like ok what is this, I heard stories of like “hopefully is not like embracing or something because you heard story about people that get a name and then you have to live with it, so he is kind of on the other side of the room he was like raising his hand this and then he was like “Gigante” and I was like I think I know what that means so I was like that’s cool, because I’m tall I guess.

[00:12:15] Caxixi: do you have any kind of like training routine to get that flexible?

Gigante: I started doing stuff when I wasn’t even young when I was doing it, I started working out when I was 15 I went to the gym like but I wasn’t like I go to the gym but I was never fully into it. but I would’ve gone to the gym for fitness and then since I was someone young and then I started capoeira when I was in 2006 I was 22, but I wasn’t you know like some people that start when they were like 10 or 15 or 20 to whatever in that case when I started  I always had routines for myself before capoeira I always do like setups and crunches before bed and you know workout and include stretches and stuff in my workouts I kind of did yoga here and there and stuff from yoga that I kept was the backbend and stuff like that

[00:21:25] Caxixi: how are you advertising your classes?

Gigante: so like I said, right now we don’t have too much of a presents because we are still finishing building it the plan is once the website is online, again what I do for work outside of capoeira is like my main kind of job and businesses is building websites with graphic design so I plan to get some Facebook and Instagram paid adds to create videos and post, and nowadays to people to see new businesses you have to pay money to boost the post.

[00:38:10] Caxixi: what has capoeira help you with?

Gigante: yummy… I don’t know I think there’s a lot of thing for sure like I think one of the big ones is to see how what you do makes a positive impact in someone’s life you know, like if somebody comes to class in a bad mood and they leave in a good mood, you know what happens to me all the time and if I force myself to go when I come out feeling good for somebody to say “I’ve never been able to do that” and then after a while then they do it and then you know, they know like all I have to do is try it and you feel good because you were able to help somebody get there. 

[00:48:49] Caxixi: do you have any event coming up?

Gigante: we some, stay tuned, we have plans but nothing official, so we’ll post on Instagram or website and stuff, it’s important for sure to like I said once we kind of get our community growing and stuff like that and visiting other events and we want to travel.

[00:59:00] Capoeira game one word:

Caxixi: Bimba,

Gigante: Mestre!

Caxixi: Berimbau,

Gigante: Musica!

Caxixi: Community,

Gigante: family

Caxixi: Ginga,

Gigante: to sei

Caxixi: the best podcast in the world,

Gigante: this one right here hahaha!

Caxixi: mandinga,

Gigante: playful

[01:00:05] Caxixi: advice for capoeiristas?

Gigante: give it a 110%if you wanna learn capoeira, there’s a lot of ways to learn but the way you are gonna get the most out of it is to give 110% ask yourself why you wanna do capoeira and then ask those questions, find the people that can show you, and you know it’s important obviously find the teacher that can show you, and then look for a community that will build you up so the kind of community that we are trying to build is positive, safe growing kind of like these things.

[01:01:12] Caxixi: Social medias again?


Facebook Here

Instagram Here

Capoeira Collective Here

Website Here

Caxixi: Thank you so much,

Gigante: brigadu!

12 Canarinha – Capoeira Brasil Indianapolis “The wife, The student”

Whatup capoeiristas, welcome back to the capoeira experience podcast, where you are going to learn from all kind of experiences to increase your knowledge in capoeira, and even to find your whys in capoeira.

Today I have the pleasure to have with us my very first student in the US, the first American that I wanted to teach capoeira and pass on not just my knowledge but also my passion in and out of class, not just as my student also as my wife and this is Canarinha from capoeira brasil Indianapolis

[00:02:02] Caxixi: We gotta start from the beginning I usually start all the interviews from the beginning I just want to know how everyone starts in capoeira from day one till right now, tell me a little bit of your story from the very beginning

Canarinha: ok well I meet you in 2012 I heard that you did capoeira and you were staying in the US just for 2 months so I asked the person that you knew if you can teach me capoeira and maybe we can get together, do something. The guy finds out that I liked you from there he kind of introduced us and we started talking, hanging out. We didn’t really do capoeira, we you were here, but when you came back, I would say I officially started training with you, probably in 2014? I started training with you.

[00:07:38] Caxixi: For you what was that eye catching for capoeira?

Canarinha: the kicks, for sure! I think all the kick are amazing, throughout the years the acrobatics got me be the initial thing that got were the kicks.

[00:09:03] Caxixi: what do you like the must about capoeira?

Canarinha: I like the energy the most I think all the people all the moves and everything that brings together when you are in the roda, I think is that explosive energy and that makes me want more you know is very like I said, when I saw you it was very contagious and I think your energy is what attacked to it, so for Capoeira when I’m in the roda when I’m in a festival or class is definitely the energy that fires me up.

[00:12:15] Caxixi: if you have to choose on word for capoeira what it would be?

Canarinha: contagious, don’t matter who it is or what it is or where it is, if you are at a capoeira event no matter what kind of group who or whatever you are always going to be like in a Roda, you always end up in a roda with some people not even like a playing Roda, you are standing, you are talking you are creating this group of people.

[00:17:07] Caxixi: Why Canarinha?

Canarinha:  well is definitely not because I sign amazing I feel in capoeira people base it of a look, or characteristic  or personality or something that at the moment have to be with you, so when you first met me I was partially blonde, I was half blond half brunet I probable kept that for about 3 years? yeah yeah 3 years and I think that probably that pop in your head.

[00:019:07] Caxixi: from the student-wife perspective, what do you see from there, like from outside, behind the scene and everything?

Canarinha: well first of is more than love of capoeira, you have like an obsession with capoeira, I would say that you love capoeira more than me but that’s another story, I think is awesome, I think is awesome, you know as partner wise if you have something in common that you both love or both really like to do I think it really helps your relationship you know push each other both up.

[00:29:33] Canarinha: I have a question for you, so I know that you’ve dated capoeira people in the past, how does it feel to take or to meet someone that never do capoeira you know never has any experience on that but you know you brought them into it, how does it feel, 1: dating someone outside of capoeira and 2: your wife, getting your wife into capoeira, having student as your wife?

Caxixi: That’s a good question, I’ve never got that question before. yeah I dated a few out of capoeira, at the beginning is definitely hard, is hard but exciting at the same time, because that person doesn’t know about capoeira unless that person is interested in capoeira of course, like you were at the beginning because you were looking at me with such a big eyes, I got more excited because I wanted to show off.

[00:38:08] Caxixi: what kind of skills of benefits capoeira has bring to your life?

Canarinha: for sure not being as shy and as nervous and I wanna say thank you to everyone I’ve meet you know in some way you actually have helped me to come out of my shield and not be as nervous or be self-conscious in capoeira you know you’ve definitely made me a better person who I am today weather was bad or good or you know, kick me in the face whatever I just feel that I’ve learn so much from each person I’ve met.

[00:47:17] Caxixi: what do you recommend to capoeiristas out there?

Canarinha: don’t hold back, don’t be scare to do what you wanna to do, if you wanna to try something don’t be scared, don’t hold yourself back because what you think other people think or what other people judge you or you look silly you know I mean.

[00:00:00] Caxixi: what are your social media?

Canarinha: I do I little bit of everything but it’s

Instagram here @jessimateran