89 Learning How To Approach Different Teaching Strategies – Instructor Course. Ft. Mestre Cueca.

Mestre Cueca (@cueca) and his team offer online courses that help you understand different ways of teaching, they give you tools and more knowledge so we, teachers, can apply that in our classes, helping us approach Capoeira in a very professional perspective when it comes to teaching. This course is for Instructors but also for people that want to help their teachers grow their schools. Check it out!

Just to you know, this course is not about a group or group methodology, the purpose of this course is to help you understand teaching techniques, which is an excellent tool not very common in Capoeira!

Teaching is not easy at all, it can be intimidating at the beginning, and sometimes overwhelming especially when you don’t know what and how to teach next (there’s no school or college program that teaches us how to teach Capoeira, if there is one, let me know).

This was an awesome pleasure since we need more of this kind of material, and you can support this type of work easily.

Listen to this episode and listen to the experience of many Capoeiristas around the world in one place!! The Capoeira Experience Podcast, a podcast made from the community to the community!!!

Want to share your Capoeira experience?? DM me and let’s share your experience with the community!!!








