90 Being Available to Explain Capoeira From Different Ways. Ft. Monitor Peruca

We all learn in different ways, some of us are slow learners (like myself) or some are fast learners, some of us are visual (like me) and some of us are theoretical, we also can be hands-on and learn from the experience rather from the books (like myself).

We can be excellent at whatever we do, but recreating that in other people, with different ways of learning is a WAY different story, know how to teach, know how to control your emotions during the class, and know how to explain what you are passing is not an easy task, it is something that takes time, a lot of practice and a lot of experience to create an excellent class, and of course, every teacher has a way of teaching, but we gotta know how to bring all the students up, with lacking the empathy of having a good Capoeirista in and out of Capoeira.

During this episode, I got the amazing pleasure to interview an old friend from Venezuela, Monitor Peruca (@juan), a friend that came from the exact same Capoeira community that I am from. During this interview, we talked about his Capoeira Experience between both countries, how he views teaching, and the coming up event “Sua Casa” organized by him and his team, an awesome event which will have many aspects, Afro-Venezuelan drums, free beginners class, a percussion workshop, dance workshop, a lot of Capoeira workshops and Batizado!!

We all are ready to travel and play Capoeira, reconnect with old friends and make a lot more new friends, who else is ready to travel?

To register to “Sua Casa” event visit:

DM: @ncbrazilianartsproject
DM: @juanpb31









