82 UNIFY – When We Are United We Can Accomplish A Lot More. Ft. Mestre Ferradura – PART II

Mestre Ferradura (@ferradura_capoeira) has amazing work that has been helping many people, from kids to the homeless to Capoeira teachers! Creating a huge impact in the community. This happens thanks to the mentality on UNITY!!… Unity is not about group, much less Capoeira style, it goes beyond that, it more accepting the different way of thinking, and believes, it is about coming together and understanding that we all here to enjoy the common ground, CAPOEIRA!

I’ve seen it myself, when ALL Capoeiras work with one single purpose, which is benefit our communities through Capoeira and respecting others, the growth that Capoeira has as a community itself, is massive!!… Capoeira in Venezuela grew huge because we all work together to help each other.

If unity becomes just for the benefit of a few, instead of the whole, or when “unity” is use for a selective few in a selective circle, then it is not unity anymore, it becomes exclusivity!

Mestre Ferradura is pedagogue, president of the Brazilian Institute of Capoeira-Education, and director of the Project Brincadeira de Angola. Support and check all his work in the links below.

Listen to The Capoeira Experience Podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, and any Podcast Platform. Now playing in Audible. [LINK IN BIO]

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