50 Interview With Local Podcaster. Ft. Made in Indy Podcast and Inst. Caxixi

This is a special episode for many reasons, 1: We have reached the Ep. #50!, 2: I got the huge honor to be interviewed by a local Podcaster that has been engaging with local artists and creators in the Indianapolis area, my friend @MadeinIndy_, please give him some support for his hard work by following this great Podcast. In this episode we talked about my Capoeira work in Indianapolis, what is Capoeira, my trajectory in Capoeira, and many more other details that you cannot miss. And 3: because we are giving away FREE Capoeira classes today!!…

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Podcast Instagram: @podcastcapoeira

Host: @harly_m

Capoeira Indianapolis: @CapoeiraIndianapolis