20 Inst. Energia, Batuque Capoeira, Amsterdam

What’s up capoeira nation! welcome back to the Capoeira Experience podcast, where we connect our capoeira community and help motivate in a very positive way our community to help with tips and advice to help you understand this beautiful art. This is your host Inst. Caxixi and I just want to say thank you so much to the capoeira community for the support.

Today I have the pleasure to interview a capoeira from Amsterdam, capoeira change his life completely, gave him another opportunity to take a different course in his life, he has about 10 years doing capoeira and he has a really good work in Europe with kids and adults, he is a good example that capoeira can help us to change our life, I want to introduce you to Inst. Tum from Batuque Capoeira, Amsterdam.

Caxixi: hey thank you so much for been here with us!

Caxixi: so before we jump to your experiences, what are your social media and how people can find you?

Facebook Here

Instagram Here @batuquecapoeira_holland

Website Batuque Capoeira Holland capoeiraholland.com

Caxixi: tell us more about yourself, who is Tum? and you can start however you want

Energia: my name is energia, that’s my capoeira name so as kid I was really into martial arts like Bruce lee and stuff but I was from a very small village and didn’t know any martial art back then we only had karate and boxing and that’s it and judo so we played this game takken you might know it takken 3 so I was playing it and I was like wow, and I had 3 older brothers and I saw this eddy Gordon you know, and we didn’t know it was capoeira by then and we were like yeah eddy this crazy dace fighter so I was always playing eddy and doing stuff and I wanted to train martial arts and this one friend in school he did karate or taekwondo or something and I saw to my mom “mom can I train with this guy, can I do it as well” and my mom was like “no, no martial arts, you can play hokey, you can play piano” and that’s it man, so skip forward 10 years later and I was like 16, 17 and I moved out of the house to go to college or something you might called university or whatever and the first thing I did I was like “man I wanna do martial arts” so I was with my friends into the heavy metal thing back then and I was like you know I’ve never been an aggressive guy so I wanted to be like different you know and I saw this capoeira then I remember man capoeira that’s what I wanted do so I google where are them and I got in contact with my professor Chris and I said man when can I start training capoeira and I was imagining I will learn all this crazy flips and spring kicks and the first thing I heard when I walked up the stairs it was the berimbau and I was like “what” and then heard the guy singing “paranaue and zoom zoom zoom” like I saw in the movie only the strong and stuff and I was like “wow this is like I saw on the movie this a real thing” yeah man I was in the roda and my teacher some time still laugh at me for the face I made that day

Caxixi: how old were you when you starting to smoke weed and drinking a lot and all that?

Energia: man it’s kind of weird because you know I have two older brothers and I was like 14-15 and just started in high school and I was smoking you know weed one per week twice per week and then when I started living on my own right before I started doing capoeira it was daily at school, after school, it was the only thing in my mind you know

Caxixi: how do you get from day one or when you start teaching to full time, how do you get there?

Energia: so form e the thing was I’m like all or nothing guy with everything, weather I’m training capoeira or training whatever it’s either 200% or zero, so I was thinking about you know I want to train more and I was traveling and training an going to brazil and everything and one day my Mestre he called me and he said “energia I need to talk to you” ok you know, he said “we have this grupo in this city far in the north and I need you to teach there” so I was like okay cool I have to do one class you know I did some classes when my teacher was ail or injured so I was “okay” he said “no no no, permanently, take over the group” and I was like “wow what happened?” and he is like “the instructor is moving and stuff are happening you know so there is a group there 3 or 4 people small group but yeah we need someone to take it over and start bringing some new light to it”

Caxixi: do you have any kind of nonprofit or do you have any entity there for your school?

Energia: oh yeah it’s 3 thing actually first stuff is the group you know Batuque Capoeira which is my Mestre, Mestre Vladimir, Contra Mestre Salsicha, my Prof. Verminosoand then it expands to different instructors we are in like 15 cities now I think our strength divided into all these cities we have so much unity for one group

there’s a part the business side which I’m instructor like by myself, I have my own company which is you know like the group and we have my part which is capoeira energia and I teach my classes under that name and if people want workshops and we have demonstrations then they call my company or the end of my company but I do everything under that name of the group

Caxixi: how do you reach people for your classes?

Energia: for the regular classes anything I can do to promote capoeira but the funny thing is not with the mindset to promote capoeira is because I love doing it so first thing one day I did the first workshop they called me and then the first demonstration in the city I was teaching there are 2 or 3 groups in the same city is not a big city and they all masters and I was like how am I you know I’m nobody and then I started growing and growing because every time the city had anything I always said yes always I always went even if I had to pay even more traveling expenses that I got I didn’t care

Caxixi: capoeira events coming soon?

Energia: yeah we have in weeks we have the annual children festival camp so all the children from our group divided in all the cities so I’m like kids their kids there and over a 100 kids they come to this 2 days festival where they have sleepover, they have capoeira quiz, capoeira rodas, capoeira rodas, capoeira play time everything capoeira related and they all get together so again the community you know

besides that we have our batizado event but is gonna be in the fall so its gonna be a bit later

Caxixi: tell me again your social media


Facebook Here

Instagram Here @batuquecapoeira_holland

Website Batuque Capoeira Holland capoeiraholland.com

Hey thank you so much for your time and sharing your experience!!!