09 Bambu Morales GCB DTWLA

What’s going on Capoeira world!!… Inst. Caxixi here!… As I always say, on this podcast everyone gets interviewed, any experience works to help our community grow, so today I have the pleasure to have as a guest one of my Capoeira Brothers, you know when you travel and you meet new people and you just click with them, he is been doing capoeira for 5 years, and I met him my first time I went to Chicago and since then we became really good hommies!!… He is student of Professor Saracuru from Capoeira Brasil Downtown LA. I want to introduce you to Bambu!!

 [00:01:45] Caxixi: How are you doing man over there?

Bambu: good man, just enjoying the raining southern California

 [00:02:38] Caxixi: So, I like to start the episodes with our guest stories, now tell me when and how did you start capoeira?

Bambu: ok so I tried capoeira a few times when I young one when I was 16 ones again like at 20 something years old I really caught on when I met my professor, professor Saracuru, I met him walking one day and he was like “yo, why don’t you come a try the class?” and I’m like “alright yeah!!”

my mom lives in downtown, coincidently on the same block that he does, so I just happened to be there and yeah just randomly ran into them just a conversation that was brought up, I was already doing martial arts at the time I was already doing judo, but I was kind of like uh falling you know.

 [00:13:18] Caxixi: how many times per week do you train?

Bambu: so that’s a tough one it depends on the week, average it used to be I can tell you this right now for sure is twice a week but I’m gonna start wrapping it up I used to train every day like every day you know every day we would go we would meet up, or we said let go to a park.

 [00:15:38] Caxixi: have Capoeira been helping you on something?

Bambu: I mean I would definitely agree with that, outside from right now, how nervous I am right now you know, but usually you know I’m very hey what’s up what’s happening, you know very out there, very out spoken, I mean I try to be out spoken, it really brought out my personality it gave me like a confidence that I never had before to be honest, it really gave me strength, like a different kind of strength.

[00:24:24] Caxixi: if you must describe capoeira with one word, what it would be??

Bambu: man, that’s a tough one, if I have to say one word I would say “inspiring”

 [00:37:49] Caxixi: Are you planning on traveling for any events?

Bambu: there’s the big one for this year is in July Mestre Paulinho sabia is having his batizado in Brazil so that ticket is not cheap, so I think that’s gonna be the one for this year.

 [00:38:25] Caxixi: how many times have you travel in these 5 years?  even locally?

Bambu: like locally, vie been Chicago, san Francisco, san Diego Mexicali I went to Colombia couple years ago

[00:41:33] Caxixi: what is your favorite song?

Bambu: there’s a lot of songs out there, I usually like very simple songs, you know the song “laa laaue, laaue laaua” something about the sound that pumps me up and I’m just like “alright we are about to play” dud is like “is about to go down right now”

 [00:49:39] Caxixi: an advice for beginners?

Bambu: I mean, as hard it is, is gonna be tough at the beginning it always is, but that’s the fun part you know, cut in the future, I’m sure you experienced it you remember when it was so hard you remember when like the struggle trying to do this moves try to figure out how to play the instruments, it was so hard but you love those moments, you know those moments are gonna stay with you forever, like “man I remember when I was a wacky at this” it makes you feel proud you know.

[00:51:50] Caxixi: how people can find you?

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