06 Mestre Mindinho GCB Cali Desert

Whatup whatup Capoeiristas!! I am your host Inst. Caxixi… So for this episode, I have the very big honored to bring to our show one of the many Capoeiristas that I personally admire a lot, this is MESTRE MINDINHO from Grupo Capoeira Brasil, Cali Desert, Puebla Mexico, and other schools!!!


[00:01:16] Caxixi: How you started in Capoeira, from the first time you saw it?

[00:01:32] M. Mindinho: Well is Basic, I started as a kid, I started since 11 years old in Brazil, I am from Rio de Janeiro, and like everybody else a funny story, is just like I heard about capoeira some times on TV but I never really have any experience with capoeira, but I was in school, and have this girl that I had a crush on it, and she come to me and said “oh I’m going to my first capoeira class today” I said “wow that’s awesome, let’s go together” and I went with her, we took the first class together, it was really fun, she never came back and I’m still here today!

[00:04:05] Caxixi: Everyone in Capoeira, obviously, each of us have a nick name, capoeira apelido, how did you get the Mindinho? How People find you as Mindiho?

[00:04:18] M. Mindinho: That was very natural, like when I started Capoeira at 11, I was very very short, small and my teacher used to teach class just for adults, for long time I was the only kid in class, everybody was huge in class I was the little one, “Mindinho”, mini, like a Pinky, and that’s why, like a little finger, then I was the little one in class.

[00:14:00] Caxixi: What do you think about the good benefits that capoeira, I know is many, but the benefits that capoeira brings to society, like how do you think that can help our communities?

[00:00:00] M. Mindinho: well has so many ways in Capoeira, is amazing, has so many stories, capoeira has work with refugees, that’s advantage in our communities around the world, but I wanna go a little more specific, to United States, because I’ve been here for 16 years now and those years has been absorbed how capoeira works. One of the main things is I think Capoeira has really help many communities in the United States, is about create an open community, like a family sense.

M. Mindinho’s Social Media:

Check M. Mindinho’s Website Here

M. Mindinho’s Instagram Here: @mindinhovalente

FaceBook Here