03 Into the world of Mestre Xuxo

I’m your host Inst. Caxixi and today I am very excited because I have the pleasure to have an amazing capoeirista!! I am sure he is a big motivation for you as well because he loves moving, you can tell his love for capoeira just the way he pushes himself, teaching us even through his videos how we can enjoy ourselves with body movement!!…

 [00:02:44] I know that you are in Brazil Right now, are you teaching?

Yeah I am in Brazil right now, and normally when I come to Brazil is more for the holidays, and this time I decided to stay a little be longer, I will be here for 2 and a half months, and now I am teaching a lot yeah!… I’m hosting an event this time as well, for my own school, international people come from around the world, maybe 10 countries are coming here is gonna be a nice event as well

[00:03:20] I’m sure there is a lot of people that already follow you, and I’m sure you are a big example for people that are starting in Capoeira and people that already have been doing capoeira for long time, so how people can find you on social media or any way to contact you?

In social Media is Enjoy Yourself Movement, just on google Mestre Xuxo, or on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube you are gonna find me there. X-U-X-O

Instagram here

Facebook here

YouTube here

[00:03:47] Were where you first steps and I would love to know, how you started in Capoeira, how were you first steps into capoeira, what was the beginning of your journey?

Oh that’s a question really heavy for my parents right now for my parents, that’s why I’m in Brazil because I’m writing my first book, for the documentary and I have no memories how was my first capoeira steps, I have no memories. But that’s why I’m here in Brazil to interview my mom today they were telling me that my father was trying to have me on ginga position, and to do ginga you know since I was a baby! But it worked.

I started Capoeira since I was 3 years old, I really don’t remember like everything that have been happen in my career as a capoeirista back then, is difficult because I’m from Brazil, you wanna have fun, you wanna play, you wanna be on the streets playing. Playing soccer, but of course if your father is your master, you got no chance.

[00:06:13] Do you have any memories of how you got the Xuxo nickname?

Yes, Xuxo means nice, that name is very ironic, because I was the one that use to call people Xuxo, because I always forgot the name of the people.

Everybody even my students I used to call them Xuxo “hey Xuxo” then with time they started calling me Xuxo. Then with time on one of my events they called me Professor Xuxo or Instructor Xuxo, something like this, long time ago.

[00:08:03] Which group did you start?

The group is called “my father’s home” haha there was no group, nobody was there, my father was part of “Cordao de Ouro” and then “bocao negro” because before in Corado de Ouro when you became like a teacher you have the right to open your own group, so my father had a group called “bocao negro”. So Yes if I have to say a name COrdao de Ouro definitely I started in corado de ouro, even though for me the name was no important and I didn’t know about the name.

[00:09:20]  What keeps the motivation? of course the love for Capoeira, but how do you keep the motivation to keep pushing yourself every day? because I see yourself on social media every day, and I am a big follower of yours and I see that you are always training, you never stop training which is amazing and how do you keep that fire going?

I think that somehow, I try to become my own motivation, I always say you can have a 1000 of inspiration, but motivation is you! If you don’t have the motivation, if you don’t create that motivation, you cannot move forward, and for me what motivates me a lot is that somehow my mission as a human being to the world is no longer about me is about others

[00:17:31] All that comes with training, all the abilities that you have right now comes with training, is it there any specific way that you train or any specific exercises you do, or how many time per week do you train even your flexibility, to be flexible with your back because you are pretty flexible.

Ok I try to see what I need to live every single day, I need to eat, I need to drink, and I need to sleep, they are very fundamental for me to live. That’s the question what I need to keep and become great capoeirista, a great mover, we need to trading.