01 How everything started – Solo

What up everyone I am you host Harly Materan AKA Instructor “Caxixi”. Right now I am a Capoeira Brasil Instructor located in Indianapolis, under the supervision of Mestre Kim, if you don’t know who Mestre Kim is, check our website out “https://www.capoeiraindy.com/” and I have a short info about him right there, our you can check a lot of his music on YouTube, so he is one of the oldest students of Mestre Paulao do Ceara which is one of the 3 founders of Capoeira Brasil.

Show Notes:

By then in 2001 I was 15 years old, [00:06:13] I was very very introverted kid, and because of that on that exact same day I knew it about the class I talked to one of my friend, his name is Leonardo so he could go with me because I was shy to show up by myself right, then when I talked to him I was like “dude you gotta see this stuff that Miguel’s brother and his friends were doing at school man they were doing a bunch of movements, hand stands and back flips dude, the classes are in the university and Miguel said that he can take us to the class on Tuesday so we gotta wait for him at 3:30 because class is at 4” and Leonardo said “dude that sounds fun!! yeah man I will go with you don’t worries!!”, then that Tuesday came, I called Leonardo, I would say around 2:30, like 20 times man, and nothing, then I was like “you know what I don’t care I’m just gonna go, nothing is gonna happen”…

[00:10:24] But let me tell you this!!, I don’t know if it was destiny, but I walked for about 6 minutes and I walked right straight to the capoeira class!! how crazy is this right?!

[00:11:30] I remember perfectly so they were seating on the ground in a circle practicing a capoeira song that the instructor was teaching at that moment, I remember the song was “malandragem” [If you want to listen to the song click here]

[00:15:52] I was super super happy because I just felt good, I just had a feeling that even today after 17 years I can’t even explain!!

[00:16:09] After that day, my entire life, and I really mean that my entire life change 360 degrees. Classes was from 4 to 6 for beginners, the roda was about 5:40 and for me it was time to go home, and I still remember some of those days I saw the roda for my first time like at 5:50 then I went running home because my mom!!… Then one day I was like “meh just a little longer” then one day I saw the time and I was already leaving by 6pm and my mom was super mad at me, but I was very very happy haha I was doing something I really liked, something that make me feel free, makes me feel where I can be myself!!

[00:18:50] How I got caxixi as my capoeira nick name

[00:21:20] I made so many friends!!! Friends that I still have till today, some of them, some of them have leave this plain and are play capoeira with all those bad asses masters!!

I went to Brazil just a couple of times, I would looove to go more ooobviously!!… My first time I went to a small town right passing the border of Venezuela with Brasil, called Boa Vista, we did capoeira all week long, I don’t really remember if we went there for 1 or 2 weeks, I think 2. And my second time I went to a different state called Piaui to the city called Teresina, by then I stayed there for about 5 weeks, it was awesome, capoeira since day one till the very last day, THE FOOD WAS AWESOME!! I actually gain a few pounds haha.

[00:26:55] if you are listing to me right now, and you are trying to teach, don’t give up man, try, keep doing it, kkep rocking it, but you gotta go out there, you gotta keep trying.

[00:31:53] What do you like about teaching?

[00:32:10] I always believe that Capoeira was created from a group of people to help others!! I think today’s day we are understanding this, that helping each other is better, that come together and have fun doing what we all love makes life a beautiful thing, and

[00:32:37] that is why I came up with the creation of this podcast, a way to help each other to connect, to learn even more, to open up more our horizon, use technology to help each other, to connect each other, connect our hearts, to give all this love that we have for capoeira to capoeira.

[00:33:02] Capoeira has so much to offer to our countries, to our society, to our communities, to our friends, to our family to everyone! and I can tell you this… I’m a living proof that capoeira can help people to improve anything in their life, like it did to me, I was a veeery very shy person, I didn’t use to make eye contact with people, I never said hi to anyone, I was that kid that sat a the very far corner, don’t talk, don’t move, I just did my class then went home. Capoeira helped me to feel better with myself, to believe on myself, to really believe that I am worthy and I don’t need to put myself in a bubble, and like me, out there are many people that I am 100% sure capoeira help them with so many positive changes!!

I really think if we have a very good internal organization, and very good structure we can make a living out of what we love, we just gotta find the right tools and the right way to do the stuff, and I am talking about the business part of this, legal structure, how to file our taxes, what kind of business insurance, how to approach corporate business in order to make some projects, all that needs a structure, nothing like that is gonna happen just because we know how to play berimbau, we gotta go beyond that, read, learn, ask but most importantly, take actions for it!

If one day you are in town, reach out to me to “capoeiraIndianapolis@gmail.com” and let’s train, let’s play capoeira, let’s have a chat and I will also have you as my guest here in our podcast so people out there can know your perspective and your experiences with capoeira and how it is helping you or how it helped you!!

Links Mentioned:

Visit Capoeira Brasil Indianapolis – Inst. Caxixi https://www.capoeiraindy.com/

Contact us at: CapoeiraPodcast@gmail.com

Visit our Podcast at: https://capoeirapodcast.com/
